We'd love to hear from you!
Hi, I'm Rev. Alex, and we'd love to hear from you in some way. The wonders of technology mean there are loads of different ways we can get in contact ... but the best by far is actually meeting in person.
So, by all means get in touch by facebook, messenger, email, text, WhatsApp, letter, postcard or by sending us a little present. All nice. You can sign up to our church newsletter too, and we would love you to do that. Ultimately, let's grab a tea, coffee and cake (definitely the cake), and get to know each other more. Talking face to face is so good.
Email us
Fill this in to send us an email.
E-news sign-up
Sign up here and you'll get 'regular' information from us about all of the things that are happening.
We use Mailchimp for this.
If you're after their 'terms and conditions' you can pop to their website easily.
The best thing about them is that you can easily unsubscribe at any time at the bottom of each email.
Facebook and Messenger
Our pioneer Facebook page is here, so you will see the last few Facebook posts without even having to 'do' the dreaded Facebook yourself!However, should you want to, just click on these entries and you'll be technologically whisked off to the site.From there, you can message us through Messenger or Facebook (they're kind of the same).
More traditional ways to be in touch
You can, of course, write, phone or text us!
Send us a text on
07624 428053
Trinity House
Marathon Avenue
Isle of Man
WhatsApp us on
07624 428053
Pioneer Church, Isle of Man operates under the authority of the Church of England, in the Diocese of Sodor and Man (The Isle of Man).
We take our responsibility to keep our communities safe and healthy very seriously.
You can find the Church of England on the Isle of Man official site here.
To contact our safeguarding lead (PSO - Parish Safeguarding Officer), or to view our data privacy policy, click here for the link.
© 2022, Pioneer, Douglas, Isle of Man.