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    Hearing God short-course

    Our next short-course is more like a workshop. If you would like to experiment with listening to God, this is for you. Come with tons of expectation and whatever experience you have. Aimed at anyone wanting to explore or deepen Christian faith and experience. The eventbrite sign-up page is right here.

  • Here's what our church vision looks like.

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  • Pioneer

    New ways of being and doing church communities.

    A quick overview of our vision for how we work now and in the future.

    Under the authority and guidance of the Church of England.

  • Loveheart

    Value 1/10: Love

    We want to create communities that genuinely love God and each other, whether that be easy and natural, or more difficult.

    person outline

    Value 2/10: God with us.

    We want to grow communities that actively look for signs that Jesus is among us, in each other, and in everyone our church communities encounter all week.

    Magnifying glass over page

    Value 3/10: The Bible.

    We want to explore the beauty and depth of the Bible. We want to do it in contemporary, creative ways.

    Map pin on a map

    Value 4/10: Community

    We believe that we are designed for community. So we build into community wherever we are, faith communities, and local community groups.

    Sand timer

    Value 5/10: Rest

    We believe God calls us to rest spiritually and practically - to slow down, be with God and each other, and to simple be.

    Hot air balloon

    Value 6/10: God-focus

    We aim to remain open to God's voice as he leads us in how we meet, where, when and what we do. We value tradition, but hold it lightly - even our own.

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    Value 7/10: Restoration

    We believe God (through Jesus) longs to restore the brokenness in ourselves and in the world around us. We long to become spiritual communities that are restored personally and in society.

    Pencil in the act of drawing

    Value 8/10: Creativity

    We believe that our communities need to embrace creativity in all of its forms.


    Value 9/10: Hearing God

    The Bible is our primary source for understanding God, but he can and will speak through anyone. The qualification is not intelligence, training or age - the qualification is faith and a relationship with Jesus.

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    Value 10/10: Miracles

    We believe that God is not just a Christian theory, but a living reality. We want to grow communities that expect God to move. We pray for the miraculous in our everyday lives.

  • Here's how we do faith together

    Living Keeills.


    The word Keeill is an ancient Manx word, meaning place of worship, or sacred place.


    Anyone who wants to be part of the Pioneer extended community is free to come and go through any of the ways we meet together. You can come as a visitor, come occasionally, or come to everything all the time. They're designed, however, so that you might find one or two ways that you feel really grow your faith, and you end up settling there.


    Our firm belief is that anyone who opens themselves up to God becomes a mobile place of worship, and that in coming together, we somehow intensify that reality. Here are the Keeills currently in operation, and more expressions are on their way.


    They're designed to last as long as there is a need for them.

    SOUL keeill symbol of group of rocks

    Saturday SOUL Keeill

    Fortnightly saturday nights


    Saturday evenings, with tea and toast, gathered around a table. We natter about life, involve music, look at the Bible, laugh and pray with each other. SOUL keeill meets in a local Douglas Cafe.

    Music room symbol of birds flying free

    Because music connects.

    A Facebook group open to anyone. Here as a community (mainly online) we post songs, hymns, spiritual songs that draw us closer to God, and we talk about music that might be happening around us too. Christian ethos essential. Sometimes we will also meet up in venues and make music together. Find the Music Room group here.

    Breathe symbol of hand-painted chair


    Ad hoc space to create,

    breathe, and be.

    A community of creatives who gather together whenever. Music, art, reflection space, and delicious food make this a special, slow place to breathe again.

    Adventure Church symbol of camper van on sand

    Adventure Keeill

    A building-free zone!

    Ask most people where they meet God easily, and they say in the wild. Adventure Keeill explores Christian spirituality the way the ancients did - out, all weathers, up hills, in rivers, building walls, planting trees and more.

    Generations symbol of a group of stones of different sizes.


    Weekly inter-generational immersive faith.

    Everyone bundles in - all ages are welcome and needed. Fun, laughter, indoors and out, thinking about the Bible with active learning for everyone and time to pray. From the youngest to the oldest, everyone takes part.

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    Fortnightly, building community and faith among young people.

    Our young people join an inter-church group called "NXGEN" , as well as a larger methodist youth conference even though we're Anglicans (crazy huh!).

    We also link them into the excellent schools work, beach mission, and residential work of SUMT.

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    Short Courses

    Limited time courses to explore, deepen or grow faith.

    Life is hectic, and our needs are all so different. So Pioneer run short courses as and when we need them. Some (like Alpha) are opportunities to explore faith. Others are ways to engage with the Bible. Others, practical courses about experiencing faith together. Sign up as and when.

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    Question Space

    Monthly safe space to ask BIG questions.

    Come for 6pm to buy yourself a pub meal, or turn up for 7pm where we break into small groups for 30 mins of chat, where you bring the questions, and then 30 mins to hear from other groups.

    If money is an issue, we can help.

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    More to come

    The only limit is our creativity.

    There are no limits on the amount of creativity we can pour in to how we grow as modern disciples together. We're currently exploring a walking group, a traditional and contemplative group, and more.

    Watch this space, or send us ideas!


    To see these on our church diary, click this link.

  • Want to get involved?

    We're really low-pressure, but deeply committed.

    If you're interested in either exploring faith with us for the first time, or reconnecting through one of our communities, the first step is to meet one of us (probably Rev Alex, but not necessarily) for a coffee, a snack and a natter. Please do get in touch, even if its just another excuse for Alex to eat something!

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    Never done this before.

    Feel like you're searching, but have no church experience.

    You're far from alone, in fact if you're under 35, you're probably in the majority on the Isle of Man right now. Use the contact form at the bottom of this page, and meet Rev Alex for a coffee somewhere. We'll be able to talk together about your search, your questions, what you feel God may be doing in you, and what we (or someone else) could do that might help you grow towards God. It'll all be at your own pace, and in ways you can easily access.

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    Have done this before.

    Feeling drawn back to church after a gap.

    For a few people, the safe space of our small communities has been exactly what they needed to feel their way back to faith after a sad experience, or a bad experience. Sometimes church has been the problem, but not always. Let us be a healing space for you to come back in at your own pace, and then either stay with us, or move to a more traditional form of church that will suit you better.

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    Wanting inspiration.

    Part of a church, but wanting inspiration.

    We would want you to stay in the church you're currently part of, but you're welcome to watch what we do, even come and visit, as long as the goal is to get fired up, inspired, and to take that back to your home church community. We would love it if what we did brought extra life and energy. We have been tasked to be a church that truly builds in to others, no questions asked, no hidden agenda. We are all God's church - one church, one body, one Spirit. We want to live that way.

  • Contact Us

    So get in touch for a natter, a cuppa and probably a snack of some kind.

    Either fill in this contact form to email us, or sign up to our news (below).

    Let's discern between us what God's saying to you and where you fit, and let's allow life to flow through it all.

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    Pioneer Giving Details

    If you'd like to give to Pioneer Church, here are the giving details.


    Please make sure you get the reference correct, so that your donation goes to the right part of that account.


    Anything you can give, from one-off donations to regular amounts are welcome, just make sure you can afford what you give. :)

  • Pilgrimage

    Journeying together with a God-centred compass is really important to us at Pioneer.

    So is working with other churches.

    "Praying the Keeills" is a group on the Isle of Man who have been together way longer than Pioneer Church has been in existence. Each year, people from all different Christian traditions (and some from none) meet together to walk the ancient Manx Keeills (not our groups!). They walk, talk, and pray together for a week in the summer.


    Here's a link to their excellent website.

    Well worth a visit.